Saturday, November 1, 2008

McCain Makes Closing Argument

McCain Makes Closing Argument

 John McCain’s campaign is narrowing in on its closing argument as the campaign enters its final days.  Advisers close to the campaign revelaled that McCain’s final days will focus on the following arguments as to why he is better qualified than his Democratic opponent:

  1. Do it for an old man who doesn’t have much time left.
  2. Are you forgetting that Obama’s black? 
  3. Admit it – aren’t you a little curious to see how this Palin as VP thing would work out?
  4. Only I know how to salvage something from colossal screw ups
  5. Not only did I frequently stand up to Bush, I have never been able to stand the insufferable smug bastard.
  6. Oh, another thing -- Obama is not white.
  7. I promise I’ll forget to run again in 2012.
  8. Snoop Dog vs. Abba – you pick.
  9. You do NOT want to make Sarah Palin mad – she has guns and knows how to use them.
  10. Lots of people have endorsed me – if you give me a minute many of their names will come back to me.
  11. Where will you put all your “Bush anger” if Obama wins?

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