Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Gingrich Soars in New Poll

Tampa, FL -- Results of a new Florida poll show a continuing surge of enthusiasm for the Republican Presidential candidacy of Newt Gingrich. According to the newly released Gingrich Poll, among likely U.S. voters named Newt Gingrich (n=1), the popularity of the former US House Speaker has reached stratospheric heights. According to the poll's respondent, "Only Newt really embodies the radical, transformational, transcendent, revolutionary change I am looking for. He frankly gives me shivers down my leg every time he talks." Continued the respondent, "I can understand why he's been married three times. I'D marry him if I had the chance." Mitt Romney and other Republican hopefuls fare poorly in the polls, cited by 100% of the respondents as being "insufficiently conservative"(Romney), "wacky" ("Ron Paul") and "not me" (Rick Santorum).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Trump will follow, prepare for takeoff.